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GC-MS: JMS-Q1500GC Master-Quad GC/MS

Innovative 5th Generation GC/MS System JMS-Q1500GC

Master Quad GC/MS

This new generation GC/MS system has excellent performance characteristics that represent a further advancement of our quadrupole MS technology. The JMS-Q1500GC can be used for a wide range of applications such as environmental analysis for agrichemicals and mold odor, material analysis, and aroma analysis.

Improved user interface for easier operation

Our newly-developed "msPrimo" software simplifies the measurement process by improving the system's ease-of-use. Additionally, the "Escrime" quantitative analysis software provides a streamlined approach for quantitation.

Improved Performance

JEOL's QMS technology has been improved for higher sensitivity and higher speed measurements.

Equipped with the new "Peak Dependent SIM" function

This feature automatically sets the troublesome SIM measurement groupings and optimizes the data acquisition conditions for each channel.

Easy Maintenance

The ion source can be removed without the use of tools.

Extensive analysis coming from versatile composition

The JMS-Q1500GC can be combined with a variety of sample pre-treatment devices to cover a wide variety of targeted analyses. Additionally, a PI ion source and two types of direct insertion probes are optionally available for this system.